Prescriptions can now be ordered online, via the link on the surgery website, but patients need to come into the surgery to be given access codes before ordering prescriptions for the first time – please bring ID with you (eg passport, birth certificate etc).

Repeat prescription requests should only be for drugs you receive regularly.


We cannot process your prescriptions until 7 days before it is due, unless required for holidays in which case please state the dates and duration of your holiday on the prescription request. When you request a repeat prescription, you need to allow 3-4 working day to enable us to authorise and get it to the chemist. Urgent requests must be triaged by the on-call GP and may not be available for the same day so please check your requirements and allow plenty of time.

We DO NOT accept telephone requests for repeat prescription, you can order using the prescription form from your last request or a written request in our post box at the surgery or you can register to order your prescriptions online, after an initial visit with a application form and proof of ID you will be given a user name and password so that you can log in at home and place your request. You can also  bring or send your computer repeat request slip to the surgery or take it to the local chemist who will bring it to the surgery on your behalf.

You can click here to order repeat prescriptions online with SystmOne, our IT provider.

For information on ways of treating minor ailments without a GP visit please visit the website below:


We recognise that there can be a long wait following a referral from your GP to see a specialist, and how this can be a cause of frustration and worry. We have noticed that many of you have chosen private routes of referral in the hope of a quicker response. We are being increasingly asked to prescribe medication which is outside of our area of expertise as generalists.

Please be aware that whilst we hope to fulfil any ongoing prescription requests, there may be cases where we ask you to continue a prescription solely from your specialist. Recent examples of this have been testosterone, prescribed for the menopause, and medication for ADHD, both of which we are directed to be specialist initiated only prescriptions and any ongoing care would be under a shared care agreement which would only be acceptable to us with a local NHS provider.

We would ask you to respect our limited resources by not requesting urgent prescriptions after you have seen the specialist. Any such prescriptions should be provided by the specialist. We will pick up routine prescriptions, and any ongoing prescribing if we feel this to be appropriate. 

We thank you for your patience and understanding. This will free up time for us to deal with other patients.


How to find us

Location Map

Click on the map for a larger view.


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Contact details

01943 862108 - 8am to 6pm on weekdays

The telephone lines are closed for routine telephone enquires on weekdays between 12.30pm and 1.30pm - if you need a Doctor urgently between these times, please phone 01943 862108 and you will be directed to an emergency contact number.

Out-of-hours call NHS free on 111

Opening times

Monday         08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday        08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday   08:00 -18:00
Thursday       08:00 - 18:00
Friday            08:00 - 18:00

For Doctor availability outside these hours please see the Appointments section.

We are closed Bank Holiday Monday 28th August 2023. 

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Training Days

On the following dates the surgery will be closed from 1pm for training
and will re-open the following day at normal hours:

Wednesday 24th January 2024
Thursday 22nd February 2024
Tuesday 19th March 2024
Wednesday 24th April 2024
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Tuesday 18th June 2024
Wednesday 24th July 2024
Tuesday 17th September 2024
Wednesday 16th October 2024
Thursday 21st November 2024