Health Visitors 01274 221223
Chiropody 01274 323966
Good Neighbours (Gail Boole) 01943 862388
(Sue Whelan) 01943 863478

Ilkley Good Neighbours 01943 603348
Social Services - Shipley 01274 431704
Social Services - Bingley 01274 435252
Social Services - Keighley 01535 618400
Social Services - Leeds 0113 247 8630
West Yorks Central Services Agency 0113 295 2500

Womens Aid 0113 246 0401
Women's Aid Domestic Violence Helpline 08457 023 468
Refuge Domestic Violence Helpline 0870 599 5443
Victim Support line 0845 303 0900

Leeds Alcohol Service 0113 247 0111
Leeds Addiction Unit 0113 295 1340
Al-Anon Family Groups 020 7403 0888
Alcoholics Anonymous 0845 7697 555
Drinkline 0800 917 8282

Bereavement Care
Burley-in-Wharfedale 01943 600611 (Ann) 01943 862582 (Janet)
Leeds Bereavement Forum 0113 225 3975
Cruse Bereavement Care 0113 234 4150
Loss Group 0113 205 5513
Child Death helpline 0800 282986

Rape Crises Centre 0113 244 0058
Rape & Sexual Abuse helpline 020 8683 3300

Sexwise - 0800 282930 - Confidential help for teenagers
Lesbian & Gay switchboard 020 7837 7324

Local Drug Information 01535 610180 or 01535 210022
Drug advice 01274 723863
Leeds Drug service 0113 247 0111
National drug helpline 0800 77 66 00
Release - drug and legal advice 020 7729 9904
Heroin helpline 020 7749 4053
Re-solent abuse 0808 800 2345

Relate, couple or individuals 0113 245 2595
Support team 0-16 years 0113 295 3491
Samaritans 08457 90 90 90
Childline 0800 1111

Wharfedale General Hospital Cardiac Club - 07949 307955

Self Care Packs

The NHS has produced self care packs for certain conditions which are designed to provide support and guidance for Patients with these conditions. If you would like to access these packs, click on the appropriate links below

Self Care Pack Cover Sheet

Dementia Self Care Pack

Heart Failure Self Care Pack

Asthma Self Care Pack

COPD Self Care Pack


Useful websites

Click on the link below to find useful patient information on most conditions.
Health information at your fingertips -

Below are a number of useful links. Although we have not been able to verify their contents, they will hopefully provide a useful source of information to get you started. Therefore Grange Park Surgery is not responsible for the content of any of these sites.

Healthwatch Bradford

Government Face covering advice:

Face coverings: when to wear one and how to make your own

General Information
Putting Patients First – The Summary NHS England Business Plan for 2013/14 - 2015/16
Wellness Web
Your Surgery
NHS health conditions A - Z

Alcohol Problems
Alcoholics Anonymous
OK Rehab

Anger Management
off the record

Arthritis & Joint Problems
National Osteoporosis Society
Arthritis care
Arthritis foundation

Childrens Problems

Complementary medicine
Homeopathy Home
British Reflexology Association
General Osteopathic Council
British Medical Acupuncture Society
British Chiropractic Association
General chiropractic council
British Society of Clinical and Academic Hypnosis
Think Natural


British Diabetes Association

Ear problems
Ear wax in children

Elderly care
British Geriatrics Society
Care Homes

Epilepsy Association

Heart Problems
The British Heart Foundation
American Heart Association

Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority

ME and post viral syndrome
ME Association

Meningitis Now
Meningitis Research Foundation

Mental Health
Mental Health Foundation
Mind - The Mental Health Charity
The mood gym

Men's Health
Mens Health
The Impotence Organisation/Sexual Advice Association
Prostate Cancer UK
Prostate Disease
Vasectomy - Marie Stopes

Migraine Action

Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis Society UK

New mums and Babies
Baby Directory
Mother & Baby
Breast Feeding & Childbirth - Jane's breastfeeding resources
Home Birth Reference Site
Pregnancy, Birth and Postnatal - Zita West
The Miscarriage Association
Contact a Family (for families with disabled children)

Nursing sites
Royal College of Nursing

British Nutrition Foundation
Weight watchers

National Osteoporosis Society
Osteoporosis - Patient information from BUPA

Patient information
Patient UK
BUPA health information

Respiratory Disease
British Thoracic Society
British Lung Foundation

Sexual health and Family planning
Marie Stopes International.
The Family Planning Association
Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Skin disorders
National Psoriasis Foundation
National Eczema Society

Giving up smoking
Ash - Action on smoking & Health

Stomach and bowel problems
Ulcerative Colitis
Primary care society for gastroenterology

National Stroke Association

Scottish centre for infection and Environmental Health
Medical Advisory Services for Travellers Abroad Limited
Government Travel advice
Fit for travel
Trip Prep

Womens Health
Womens Health Information
National Association for Premenstrual Syndrome
Victim support
Rape crisis

Wharfedale Airedale & Craven Alliance


Publication of Earnings
The required disclosure for our practice is shown below. However, it should be noted that the prescribed method for calculating earnings is potentially misleading because it takes no account of how much time doctors spend working in the practice, and should not be used to form any judgement about GP earnings, nor to make any comparison with any other practice.

All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice.

The average pay for GPs working in Grange Park Surgery in the last financial year was £23,577 before tax and National Insurance. This is for 1 full time GP and 11 part time GPs who worked in the practice for more than six months.

How to find us

Location Map

Click on the map for a larger view.


friends family testFriends & Family test

Contact details

01943 862108 - 8am to 6pm on weekdays

The telephone lines are closed for routine telephone enquires on weekdays between 12.30pm and 1.30pm - if you need a Doctor urgently between these times, please phone 01943 862108 and you will be directed to an emergency contact number.

Out-of-hours call NHS free on 111

Opening times

Monday         08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday        08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday   08:00 -18:00
Thursday       08:00 - 18:00
Friday            08:00 - 18:00

For Doctor availability outside these hours please see the Appointments section.

We are closed Bank Holiday Monday 28th August 2023. 

 WACA logo web

Training Days

On the following dates the surgery will be closed from 1pm for training
and will re-open the following day at normal hours:

Wednesday 24th January 2024
Thursday 22nd February 2024
Tuesday 19th March 2024
Wednesday 24th April 2024
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Tuesday 18th June 2024
Wednesday 24th July 2024
Tuesday 17th September 2024
Wednesday 16th October 2024
Thursday 21st November 2024