The Friends and Family Test is a feedback tool that supports the fundamental principle that people who use NHS Services should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience that can be used to improve services. It is not a traditional survey, it is a continuous feedback loop between patients and practices.

The primary aims of the FFT are to:

  • gather useful feedback from people who use services that can be fed directly to staff that provide their care, in a simple format, in near real time
  • identify areas where improvements can be made so practical action can be taken
  • inform current and prospective patients about the experiences of those who use the practice service

The FFT is anonymous and we welcome any feedback that you wish to give the Practice.

We would like you to think about your recent experiences of our service. How likely are you to recommend our GP practice to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?

We want to know if we are doing a good job and if not, how we can improve our services for our patients. We will review the results every month and make changes where we can. The results will also be published on our website and on NHS Choices website so you can compare us to other practices. 

Your rating

Please let us know the main reason(s) for your rating.

Privacy policy

Please note that no medical information or questions will be responded to. The data you supply on this form will be stored on our website, which is hosted by a third party, until it has been processed by the practice. The data will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, which gives you the right to know what information is held about you, and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly. The practice privacy policy can be viewed on this website.

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friends family testFriends & Family test

Contact details

01943 862108 - 8am to 6pm on weekdays

The telephone lines are closed for routine telephone enquires on weekdays between 12.30pm and 1.30pm - if you need a Doctor urgently between these times, please phone 01943 862108 and you will be directed to an emergency contact number.

Out-of-hours call NHS free on 111

Opening times

Monday         08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday        08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday   08:00 -18:00
Thursday       08:00 - 18:00
Friday            08:00 - 18:00

For Doctor availability outside these hours please see the Appointments section.

We are closed Bank Holiday Monday 28th August 2023. 

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Training Days

On the following dates the surgery will be closed from 1pm for training
and will re-open the following day at normal hours:

Wednesday 24th January 2024
Thursday 22nd February 2024
Tuesday 19th March 2024
Wednesday 24th April 2024
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Tuesday 18th June 2024
Wednesday 24th July 2024
Tuesday 17th September 2024
Wednesday 16th October 2024
Thursday 21st November 2024