Wharfedale Dermatology Clinic is a service provided by Grange Park Surgery under a contract awarded by Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) as a GP with Special Interest (GPwSI) service which started in May 2003 and has been providing local care for patients with skin problems in increasing numbers since then.

The service is delivered from Springs Medical Centre in Ilkley by 2 GPs with specialist training, supported by a Healthcare Assistant. The service is supported by a consultant dermatologist, Dr K London. Surgical procedures for the service are subcontracted to another GP.

The service consists of weekly clinics on Tuesdays all day and Friday mornings. The clinic offers a holistic service where the treatment of patients may include oral medications, topical creams and ointments, and dressings. The service is open to any patient who has a dermatological (skin) condition where their own GP is unable to manage it successfully. There is a strong educational element to the service by advising the patient on their skin condition and encouraging self-management. We recently went live on the Choose and Booking system, prior to this we received referrals via electronic referrals. Although the clinics are held at Spring Medical Centre in Ilkley, patients contact Grange Park Surgery to book their appointments and to re-arrange any they cannot attend.

How to find us

Location Map

Click on the map for a larger view.


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Contact details

01943 862108 - 8am to 6pm on weekdays

The telephone lines are closed for routine telephone enquires on weekdays between 12.30pm and 1.30pm - if you need a Doctor urgently between these times, please phone 01943 862108 and you will be directed to an emergency contact number.

Out-of-hours call NHS free on 111

Opening times

Monday         08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday        08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday   08:00 -18:00
Thursday       08:00 - 18:00
Friday            08:00 - 18:00

For Doctor availability outside these hours please see the Appointments section.

We are closed Bank Holiday Monday 28th August 2023. 

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Training Days

On the following dates the surgery will be closed from 1pm for training
and will re-open the following day at normal hours:

Wednesday 24th January 2024
Thursday 22nd February 2024
Tuesday 19th March 2024
Wednesday 24th April 2024
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Tuesday 18th June 2024
Wednesday 24th July 2024
Tuesday 17th September 2024
Wednesday 16th October 2024
Thursday 21st November 2024